Moving my blog to Github Pages

August 13, 2012 . Coding . Comments
Tags: jekyll bootstrap github disqus

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Moving my blog to Githug Pages. This post outlines some of my experiences of doing so

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It was about time that I stopped procrastinating and start writing my blog regularly. So I switched to a lean blogging framework Jekyll powered by Github Pages . It's extremely developer friendly. Writing and sharing code snippets with Gist should be easy.


  • Manage everything with git
  • Can blog on when there is no Internet connection (at airports, train rides etc)
  • Power of Git - everything tracked, you have your complete blog on your laptop
  • Lightweight etc etc


Thanks to this awesome post from Eric . Just follow the steps outlined and it's the quickest way to have something up and running. With most of the heavy-lifting done, should not take more than few hours to move to Pages.

Kennym's nice script helped to moved some of my posts from Blogger to Jekyll. The gist can be found here .


The web is having a uniform look and feel because of Twitter Bootstrap theme and design practices. Some like it and some don't like it. I like it - its clean, easy and quick. I was looking for Github Pages Sites with Twitter Bootstrap integration. I found this on Eric's Github. I had even experimented something on my own integrating Bootstrap but had got stuck and left it halfway. So I just reused something already available :). Some work still needs to be done - like pagination of posts, some social networks integration etc. But that is for any day..


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